Master's degree

Maestría en Políticas Públicas (MPP)


Master's degree program designed to provide tools for the analysis, implementation and evaluation of public policies, with the perspective of regional and global leaders and middle managers linked to the public administration at local and regional level.


Train human resources of a high academic level, with the ability to propose options to the challenges faced by the countries of the central American Region for its economic development, political and social.

ERPPD Capacity Building Program

Capacity Development programme for the ERPPD


Are academic events sponsored by the Government of South Korea by means of KDI School of Public Policy and Management to strengthen the capacities of the Regional School of Public Policy for the Development (ERPPD), both for the training of teaching staff as to project in the region, spurring the formation of high-ranking government officials of different countries in the area of SICA with the alliance of the universities belonging to the CSUCA.

Programs Update

Migration policies

Objective: to Understand the phenomenon of migration central to pose proposals that generate solutions, in the framework of the formulation of policies public.

Formulation and evaluation of projects

Objective: to Update the resource training human in the administration public and private sector in the formulation and evaluation of projects.

Management by results

Objective: to Contribute in the formation of the human resource for the proper understanding and application of methodologies, tools and tools that are used in the Management by Results in the public sector of Guatemala.

Programs Update


Comprender el fenómeno migratorio centroamericano para plantear propuestas que generen soluciones, en el marco de la formulación de políticas públicas.


1.  Incentivar a los estudiantes a observar, desde sus áreas de experiencia y profesión,  las diferentes propuestas para la atención de los problemas públicos inherentes al fenómeno migratorio.

2.  Desarrollar lineamientos relacionados a la formulación de propuestas de políticas públicas para atender el fenómeno migratorio en sus distintas áreas de especificidad.


El curso “Políticas Migratorias para la región Centroamericana”, surge de la necesidad en el mundo académico para comprender las nuevas dinámicas que el tema de la migración viene registrando, producto de las acciones del gobierno de EE.UU. en sus restricciones de la emigración ilegal centroamericana.

Desde el año 2008, con el incremento en las deportaciones, debido a los cambios sensibles en la política migratoria de EE.UU., Centroamérica ha sufrido los efectos en su economía y sociedad, evidenciando la carencia de respuestas institucionales desde cada uno de los Estados, sobre todo del norte centroamericano, que son los países que más han contribuido a este problema.

 Actualmente existen muy escasos espacios académicos para debatir propuestas serias de políticas públicas vinculadas al fenómeno de la migración, sobre todo en función de contención migratoria, atención a personas en situación de retorno, niñez no acompañada, entre otros; esto dificulta construir aportes de solución para dichos problemas públicos. La Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), por medio de la Escuela Regional de Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo, cuenta con la infraestructura y recurso humano necesarios para atender a un sector de la población 
interested in delving deeper into aspects of migration in the country, contribute in the understanding of the dynamics that are springing up around her, trying to build proposals of solution from a focus of public policies.




Assist in the training of human resources for the proper understanding and application of methodologies, instruments and tools that are used in performance Management in the public sector of Guatemala


1 .To develop the participants ' knowledge of the methodology of Management by Results.

2. Generate the basic knowledge for the delimitation of results, products,
by-products, and logical model of the strategy.

3. To build the conceptual foundations and practices so that the participants can use the
model operating and programming budget by results.

4. Develop knowledge related to the monitoring, tracking and evaluation, as
necessary conditions for the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation contained in the Guide to Results-based Management.


The course “Managing for Results in the Public Administration Guatemalan”, is aimed at developing the skills of the human resource in the public sector, with emphasis on the officials that work in the areas of budget, planning, as well as monitoring and evaluation. It also is designed to engage students and practitioners interested in deepening their public policies by means of its planning and budgeting processes.



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